CARGO – Precious Diamond has been active in the automotive industry since October 1995. The company’s founding member is, Ms. Alexandra Soultsiotou who comes from Larissa. From a very young age she was exposed to the field of sales and indeed in an industry mostly dominated by men. She first worked as an employee in a company that sold car accessories and became involved in car fragrances. She introduced something completely different and innovative to the field of car fragrance, constantly experimenting until she achieved the best possible result.

Her experience and love for her work pushed her to open her own business in October 1995. She places particular emphasis on car fragrance and manages to create a fragrance with its own patent, which it registers in the European Union. She deals exclusively with the sale of car fragrances and is looking to find ways to produce it with the same means. Thus she opens her horizons for a new production process which at the given time in Greece is not widespread and there are very few companies that do the production of aromatics entirely.

In November 2009, she opens a branch in Larissa and creates a workshop for the horizontal production of car fragrance. She takes part with great success in trade fairs that take place every two years. The sector in which the company operates is not particularly developed in Greece and very few crafts have the necessary certificates and licenses that the company has foreseen and received. (Permit to operate and establish a business).

The company has all the required certificates (MSDS) and the marking required for both the impregnated paper and the sprays. In addition, it has its own barcodes and the bottling of the sprays is done by a specialized company, which provides all the necessary certificates for the gases used.

CARGO continues its unceasing and seamless effort, taking into account the opinion of its thousands of customers, for its public to enjoy the best product in the field of car fragrance.


A. Sultsiotou